Fury in Jordan Over Downing Iranian Drones; Tehran Warns “Amman Next If…” | Firstpost The us The Kingdom of Jordan is …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Animal behaving IDF IN Gaza
🇺🇸 USA technologies 🙏🏆👏👍✌👌💪 Russia 🇷🇺 technologies failed 👎👎👎👎👎 miserably.
The Iranians and their Shia allies are the real allies of the Palestinians!!
Jordan need to learn some leason😂
Dont trust to jordan juwish country not Muslim not arab countries
The kingdom is not Israel’s
A: Ally
B: Protector
C: Puppet
The correct answer is in fact
D: All of the above
But Israel uses their airspace
Puppets to Israel
They allowed Israel drones to cross Jordan.and shot down Iran's drones.he a puppet king
Jordan, sons of,Ishmael,saudi araibia.
Non Arab IRAN trying to help Arab Palestines but this Arab act like abused wife
Jordan’s King thought that he and his family can stay in power by licking the boots of Israel and USA but Abdullah is a hypocrite who should understand his people no more like him. He will be done if not soon..
Let's see who is going to protect salve Jordan
Jordan Abdullah is complicit with Netzah Yahuda in West Bank.
Shame on Jordan, Saudi Arabia and UAE for protecting Israel
Jordan’s self defence only for Iranian drones and missile not for Israeli drones and missiles.
Lies iran never directly threatened jordan.Jordan small player finnanced by uk israeli usa govt.jordan a pariah country ….
Saudi king and king of jordan are descendants of prophet mohammad they will destroy iran with usa
Jordan is helping Israel risking their own people.
So it's confirmed that Jordan will remain with Israel in 3WW❤
Iran is just looking for fight i pray for Israel and Jordan God protect this countrys
Shame on the zaonist king
No1 traitor of Islam Jordan citizen and true Muslim of Jordan must come out against this King