Within the Center East, Israel is weighing its reaction later an unparalleled assault via Iran. Loads of drones and missiles …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Prime Minister Nataniauh, thank you so much for leading you war cabinet in a right way, I know that it not easy for you were shot at with missles and drones, but your guiet spirit give you wisdom to pick what is good for your people, thanks for not being selfish thanks for thinking of your people and also thanks for listening to the other world leaders who advised you in how to respond. I am a Christian from the Pacific OceanI keep praying for your nation Israel, for you leaders, IDF, and also for your Hostages in Gaza. I keep reading and watching the war you have with your enemies. I am a very peaceful person, i want to have peace with in my family and neighbours, This war you have with your enemies just remind me of the Spiritual Warfare we are having with the enemy satan, we have to rely on our Great Commander Yeshua so He'll strengthen us and give us victory over our enemy
I, know that you have a good and loving heart, you love God's people. You want to live out your life before people who don't know your God. May our God continue to bless and make you prosper in whatever your doing, amen.
I ws thiking that Is rael will respond using missles and irondoom to shot Iran, but I was wrong, Israel was more smarter, Israel did shot Iran with missles but it wasn't so bad, I was thinking that Israel thinks of its people and children. thank you so much Israel for you small respond, I admire your understanding of what will happen to the many people who live in Iran. You know that there are other people beside the militay. Again thank you for listening to the other world leaders
you are not the ugly duck anymore! 👁️
Israeli attack on Iranian Consulate violated International Law
All wars are banker wars
Scott Ritter a US military analyst: The F-15 base in Israel that was hit by Iran, was the world most defended airbase and even more defended and impenetrable the the White House or the Cremlin ever is and Iran hit it with upto 10 missiles and took it out. This is something that Israel is trying to heavily downplay and hide. It was one of the most painful hit Iran has done.
Protect babies and children. Protect the unknowing.
Let's make some changes , it's hard to see all that's happening. 😢
Israeli airport was busy. Everyone is leaving Israel
Israel opening up war on several fronts. Far from victims. Time for the West to back away and let Israel atone for what it has started.
They'll respond by tapping the US for more dollars.
Iran found simple way around iron dome decoys flares within and speed
TRUMP 2024!!!!
Why is Israel even a country? The west needs to stay out of their affairs.
Israel is too afraid of Iran but they will shield under the US umbrella
Here we go again. When u dont learn from history ur doomed to repeat it. What a tragedy .
Trudeau is and always will be corrupt.
Iran has the right to defend itself.
ya Israel lit up their embassy and was retaliated upon with basically nothing… so maybe let it go cause ur stressing me thefuck out
Qustions for Kids… No retaliations.. No war answer what can Israel do in an attack to Iran… No easy at all. No sense for de question… That is funny
Please talk about palestine
The moment when Israel knew they fked up.
That guys face says it all
Israel would be wise not to retaliate. They can't afford a war on 2 fronts!
Canadian liberal
theyll surely send iran the bill
their first reaction will be , ' holy cow , how much did this cost us '😆