Christine Romans, NBC Information Senior Enterprise Correspondent, and Donny Deutsch, host of the podcast “On Model,” be part of Nicolle …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
You can blame Dr. Fauci for the Covid Lockdown Economy of 2020. In December 2019 unemployment was at 3.6 %…then the Fauci nightmare began with the Democrat party insisting on the lockdown and masks.
What if you don't count all the part time jobs and the ones filled by illegals?
You're kidding, right ?
Here's a few facts for MSNBC when Trump left office gas was 2 bucks a gallon inflation was less than 2% we had a secured Southern border and there was a half a million ukrainians still alive that are dead now I'll take Trump back any day
Is MSNBC really this out of touch with what's really going on in the world.. you can take your jobs and you know where you can stuff them I paid $13 for a Big Mac yesterday no fries no drink just a Big Mac
Uh, no…. The jobs numbers created are all part time because people now need two jobs to survive. More lies from Biden backed up by MSM. Sad but true. Fact check me I dare you.
Is this for real? Yeah, that out of control inflation Trump left Biden with was a 1.4% inflation rate. Sure a strange way of how Biden fixed the economy. People don't seem to understand that the 3.5% inflation rate is on top of all the other inflation numbers. People are not better, why are they lying? The 9% inflation was in 22, on Bidens watch. Where are all these jobs they claim they have created? Trump had the $35 insulin cap in process, finished during Biden. Biden did not do this on his own.
✔Im in Calif & NO NEW MFG PLANTS were BUILT up here & we've also become the Dump-off Point State for ALL Emigrants (Just ask TX, AZ & FL)
✔And just think Calif pays Higher & More Taxes than any other State.
Which part? The 6.00 a gallon gas or the 6.00 a gallon of milk? I don’t remember those prices during Trump presidency! Not to mention being brought in to two wars by funding them. Plus the lie on the New Jobs you just stated was already proved WRONG!
You want to know why Americans are feeling pessimistic? Because everywhere they turn, they see Trump and his cronies getting away with corruption, crimes and fake news. It's time to clean up the trash.
Wages haven't budged for three decades. What America is she living in?
If you all cannot see what the Biden administration has done to America and the most important point is, it’s completely on each and every person that voted for Biden is responsible to what is and what will happen to America! Along with many in our Government. When people are chanting death to America, do you not think or know what is in the works? Booked a guy acting with Isis to attack churches and if you don’t realize, it’s probably during a service. MSNBC is lying along with Biden. Hate Trump if you all want. We were NOT in this situation. He took care of anyone attacking America. Biden is giving US away and no doubt many pockets are being taken care of.
Be ready for draft to fight on the front lines of war! Biden administration is a disgrace and what is being done to Trump is all in the hands of politics. Both sides at this point. Trump can’t have immunity, neither can anyone else. A large can of worms will open, I think it’s called Karma!
If Biden stays in, bye to America!
The economy is a mess. Inflation out of control… what USA are you living in? Wake up Demonrats , it’s a mess …. Vote Republican, Vote Trump
RFK jr is a better choice than Biden. At Biden's age, a trip or a fall and it's over. Kamala will be in charge. That's frightening 😮😮😮😮😮😮😱😱😱😱😱😱
Biden gave us Covid. Then he ruined the economy.
Vote Blue if you don't have a job. Don't want a job. Don't need a job.
People want the cost of living to go down, and regulations on price hikes rent and insurance. People want to be able to build a family and have a good work/life balance. Filling in jobs is cool and all but how often is that problem fixed
What's the difference between Joe Biden and a Cockroach??? A Cockroach knows the difference between a Male and a Female!!! FJB AND FJB AND FKH and FJB AND FY2 IF YOU VOTED FOR JOE BIDEN.
Oh, yes. And it is much worst now. You are ust in denial.
Tyson fired all Americans and hired illegals to replace them. Biden claims jobs gone up, yea for illgals
Are you kidding.
When Trump left office the Dems CREATED a Pandemic and MADE People stay home. Which equals job losses !!!
BEFORE Covid , we had a Booming economy….
Inflation is still super high.
Biden is a P.O.S 💩 💩 💩
Trump's tariff war with China reduced American farmers sales to China & we had to pay farmers US govt. money not to raise certain crops while at the same time increasing cost of Chinese goods sold to US and raw commodities such as steel which eventually resulted in higher consumer costs for FINISHED products to consumers in this country.
That is the bottom line if you think it’s bad now just wait until he’s back in office you won’t get a chance to regret it.
Witnessing, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Psychologist explain it as: COGNITIVE DISSONANCE
An Individual can have intense conviction for what they believe to be core principle, yet regardless of the validity or evidence disproving their belief to be an actuality, those afflicted with Cognitive Dissonance will, ignore, dismiss, rationalize or in most instances blatantly deny anything other than,, what they've fixated upon as actual.
You think we will actually belive your lies you have another thing coming.