At the Area flooring, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) put ahead an modification to the overseas backup invoice to intestine investment to Ukraine …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
RESIGN NOW! Majorie Taylor Greene
Change to new goverment n leaders
I’m sure more money laundered through the most corrupt country in the world is a good thing….
Yea we’ve had presidents that did the same things they are using as reasons for this bill yet nobody wants to punish them?
You people are simple-minded; your country is dying. Shame on you and your personal interests. Thank you Marjorie for you intelligent service.
Americans often sign agreements then ignore them. Just ask the native Americans. For those who don't know their history. Americans signed an agreement to protect Ukraine against invasion/attack IF Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. So Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons…and now Americans want to pretend they didn't sign the agreement.
There is a solution however. Give Ukraine nuclear weapons back…🤷♂️
But those were the days when america was governed by righteous leaders.unlike today where devils call the shots in washington.i thought for sometime americans are brave people living in the land of the free it seems it's only in their anthem and not in reality
Why didn't Biden stop him he watched putin walk many tanks to the boarder of Ukraine
Big surprise, a coven of witches rising in opposition to defunding war in Ukraine, while prattling on about freedom and democracy and the rise of tyranny, while subverting our republic, voting for the funding of tyranny, and opposing freedom and the will of We The People.
Ukraine will never beat Russia without going into a full nuclear war. The Russian military is to powerful and continuing funding Ukraine will deplete American resources. We Americans can't afford this nonsense.
$113 Billion dollars to Ukraine is insane….
The U.S. government used to rob foreign countries.But now she can't because the world has changed. Therefore, the government began to rob its own people.Ordinary US citizens can only sympathize.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
MTG, thank you comrade for standing for mother russia
We've got issues. Time for change. Vote Independent. KENNEDY24
Yeah I am hoping that Trump refuses aid to anyone unless peace talks are part of the package. We the American citizens never had say in paying for these forever wars. Biden just assumes we are all cold warriors like him and Mitch McConnell. I bet Biden still calls Russia the Soviet Union when he is sundowning.
Bunch of hypocrits😂😂😂😂😂
MTG proud of you. The good kind of pride.
We are not a democracy! We were built as a Constitutional Republic! Why does everyone keep using the terminology Democracy? Have we forgotten what in history that means?
Tell em they forgetting about patriots acts
mtg is a nutcase
Women ☕, for Moscow Marge
USA people should not listen to that guy , only normalisation of business global relation will lead to prosperity of country man not lies of politicians who involved in conspiracy against Russia and east
Putin has nothing to do with America earring Russia with Ukrainian who is head is not Ukrainian another Napoleon. Ukrainian is Slovenian’s is Russians . American politics feeds war and lies , it a resource map war
Ukraine is offensive ear , it is historic Russ