In a fresh Month brochure interview former President Donald Trump stocks his plans if he’s elected to a 2d time period. #CNN …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
If you still support Trump and plan on voting for him, this message is for you. Trump likes the power that Putin has and wants it for himself. He couldn't care less about any of you MAGA people. Sure, he wants your vote, but as for your rights as a citizen of our country, say goodbye to those rights. You've seen just a sample of what Trump can do already… With this supreme court that he put in place, he's taken away women's right to choose, and given power to so-called republicans who want to tell you what books you can and can't read. They will make it harder for you to vote until you can just forget that your vote ever counted. Think you'll be able to protest? Think again. That doesn't seem to work very well in Russia. If you value the USA, your freedoms, and what the USA stands for, vote blue in November. Biden may not be perfect, but he does believe in our constitution and the rule of law. Trump is a nightmare waiting to happen. He's an enemy of the USA. Save our country. Vote blue in 2024.
Dems are desperate and more dangerous
Trump or enslavement
Resurrection for the President Donald Trump
Trump is a would-be Dictator. Is that the government you want? Stop showing Trump as a respected or actual candidate! He is a crazy sick dangerous mind! He is a sick madman and I can't believe you treat his interviews and name with respect! He would have group hangings and firing squads if they can be held for the evening news! And with Chapter 25, you CNN, will add to his legitimacy!
Beware the man you present as candidate! Trump will become the Dictator he tried to be last term! Consider how media WILL BE handled if Trump gets to power! You are soft on the presentations of a dangerous man, who should never, ever get on any ballot!
January 6th was horrible no doubt but in Trumps defense he did get cheated on the ballots in California.
If Trump does not win the corrupt use of the legal system against political oppenents will be entrenched in US politics. Very dangerous for everyone in the future.
So here goes Trump again inciting violence just like you did a January 6th 2021 when he told them to go to the capital and fight like hell he was inciting violence then
Hopefully he will be convicted and go to prison and he won't be able to be voted in as president
TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
And as usual fake news doesnt even show him speaking they just make things up and say he said it
I'm voting for Trump, anything is better than what we have now.
The only news I really want to hear about Trump is that he's been tossed in the hoosegow.
TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Trump 🇺🇸🙏
Unbelievable, possibly the next President of the USA is in criminal court as a defendant due to having sex with a porn star while his wife was knocked up, and these idiots will still vote for him!!! Even the evangelicals!!! Holy crap!!!!💩 our world is freaking doomed!!!
Would he use violence if he didn't win? It depends on the fairness of the election, he says. We all know that if he doesn't win, he will automatically declare the election unfair.
Cnn is trying so hard, they've been trying the last 4 years, it's sad to see that.
It's astonishing how Trump is out of court addressing his cult about how everyone else are crooks except for him and that everything he's doing is always perfect! You have Republicans falling over each other to endorse him. Meanwhile, the damage that his cronies that infiltrated are government? While turning a blind eye to all the damage they've created in America. Not to mention the damage to the US's standing around the world. Especially with all our allies. This mess will plaque and harm all Americans for the end of time. As long as the GOP politicians, Foxnews, along with its cult, continue to interfere with proceedings and elections. As they continue to cover the 🍊 Jesus by championing Russia disinformation and conspiracy. America is screwd with all that the GOP has done, and continues to do for the 🍊 Jesus. What an utter disgrace how in just a matter of 4 years time, they've managed to cause irreparable harm to America and its national security. I bet China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran must be laughing and celebrating while America destroys itself from within.
Trump 2024!🇺🇸
The United States Armed Forces Service Members shouldn’t listen nor take orders….I wouldn’t listen to him until no circumstances…
The truth is Trump will be elected
And these toilet paper desperate stunts only solidify Trumps support
CNN gaslight coverage will not save Biden
Biden is a sinking ship
A walking failure
A disastrous mistake
If the 2020 election was so fair why did box trucks in certain states pulling in the back alleys at 3am sneaking in ballots that was 100% all biden ballots while the voting polls was closed and the only reason us Americans knows this is because the driver's of these trucks came forward and what about the pipes that busted in GA and closed the voting polls. But got caught on camera pulling boxes of 98% biden ballots. I'll wait for answers?
CNN are all liars. You talk bad about Trump, why don't you talk about the Biden crime family. F— CNN
Lock him up lock him up
Cada musulmán puede tener tantas esposas como quiera, y tienen en promedio 5 y jóvenes. Cada año nacen en esta familia 5 nuevos musulmanes, mientras que la población europea es muy anciana o no tiene más de 1,2 hijos.
París sería la primera gran capital en quedar bajo el mando de un gobierno musulmán, seguida de ciudades alemanas, españolas, inglesas, belgas, etc.
Cuando Europa pasó de la cultura judía a la musulmana y ahora todo el mundo ve que no era una buena idea ¿Quién murió realmente en Auschwitz? *
El siguiente texto es una copia de un artículo escrito por el escritor español Sebastián Vilar Rodríguez y publicado en un periódico español.
“No hace falta mucha imaginación para extrapolar el mensaje al resto de Europa. y posiblemente al resto del mundo.
Caminaba por las calles de Barcelona y de repente descubrí una verdad terrible: Europa murió en Auschwitz.
Matamos a seis millones de judíos y los reemplazamos con 20 millones de musulmanes.
En Auschwitz quemamos a un grupo de personas que representaban la cultura, el pensamiento y la creatividad/talento.
Destruimos al pueblo elegido, verdaderamente elegido, porque produjeron grandes y maravillosos personajes que hicieron grandes contribuciones al mundo y, por lo tanto, cambiaron el mundo.
La contribución del pueblo judío de hoy se siente en todos los ámbitos de la vida: ciencia, arte, comercio internacional y, sobre todo, como conciencia del mundo.
Mire la junta de donantes de cualquier sinfónica, museo de arte, teatro o galería de arte. , centro de ciencias, etc.
Verás muchísimos apellidos judíos. Estas son las personas que fueron quemadas.
De los 6.000.000 de muertos, ¿cuántos habrían llegado a ser músicos, médicos, artistas y filántropos? *
Y bajo el pretexto de la tolerancia, y porque queríamos demostrarnos a nosotros mismos que estábamos curados de la enfermedad del racismo y la intolerancia, Europa abrió nuestras puertas a 20 millones de musulmanes, que nos trajeron estupidez e ignorancia, extremismo religioso y falta de tolerancia, delincuencia y pobreza, debido a la falta de voluntad para trabajar y mantener a sus familias con orgullo.
Hicieron volar nuestros trenes y convirtieron nuestras hermosas ciudades españolas en el tercer mundo, ahogadas en inmundicia y crimen.
En los apartamentos que reciben gratuitamente del gobierno, planean el asesinato y la destrucción de sus ingenuos anfitriones.
Y así, en nuestra miseria, cambiamos la cultura por el odio fanático, la habilidad creativa por la habilidad destructiva, la inteligencia por el atraso y la superstición.
Intercambiamos la búsqueda de la paz de los judíos de Europa y su talento para un futuro mejor para sus hijos.
Su decidida adhesión a la vida, porque la vida es santa, por quienes persiguen la muerte, por las personas consumidas por el deseo de morir por sí mismos y por los demás, por nuestros hijos y los suyos.
Una Europa miserable cometió un terrible error.
* Recientemente, el Reino Unido debatió si eliminar el Holocausto de su plan de estudios escolar porque "ofende" a la población musulmana que afirma que nunca sucedió.*
No ha sido eliminado todavía. Sin embargo, este es un presagio temible del miedo que se apodera del mundo y de la facilidad con la que todos los países se rinden ante él.
Han pasado aproximadamente setenta años desde que terminó la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Europa.
Este correo electrónico se envía como una cadena conmemorativa, en memoria de los seis millones de judíos, veinte millones de rusos, diez millones de cristianos y mil novecientos sacerdotes católicos. quienes fueron "asesinados, violados, quemados, privados de hambre, golpeados, experimentados y humillados".
Ahora más que nunca, cuando Irán, entre otros, afirma que el Holocausto es “un mito”, es imperativo garantizar que el mundo “nunca olvide”.
* Este correo electrónico está destinado a llegar a 400 millones de personas. Sea un eslabón en la cadena conmemorativa y ayude a distribuirla en todo el mundo. *
* ¿Cuántos años pasarán antes de que se niegue que el ataque al World Trade Center "NUNCA SUCEDIÓ" porque ofende a algunos musulmanes en los Estados Unidos?
Si nuestra herencia judeocristiana es ofensiva para los musulmanes, deberían hacer las maletas y trasladarse a Irán, Irak o algún otro país musulmán.
No elimine este mensaje, solo tardará un minuto en transmitirlo.
Debemos despertar a Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Australia y Europa antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Trump wasn't evil as Hitler but he isn't a great orator and doesn't have the real deep distinctive articulation Hitler actually had. – from Finnish secret tapings of his real voice😊
Biden's disinformation station lies about Biden donor Merchan while his daughter raises millions for Biden.
Well Joe Biden made a crucial mistake in his only term he was pure evil pretending to be nice but easy to see through
Trump 2024❤
🇱🇷 Trump for President. 🙌
2016 was a New Hope. 2020 was the empire strikes back. 2024 is the return of the Jedi!!! Trump 2024🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
I don’t think that Trump know WTF he would do and he’s planning on making his scam decisions as he goes and will do whatever it take to improve his OWN being and to HELL with everyone else!!!!
🥾🥵put him in jail because he certainly deserves to be there and everyone knows it…
He complains about crime and he himself is the biggest crook of them all!!! The difference s that he’s got enough STOLEN money to fight the law… 👎🏿👎🏿
Reason it went dark was he started talking about pending litigation so they had to censor that part out so they could keep things confidential? , my guess
Horrific. 😢
He's delusional – is there a requirement to be mentally fit – how about enforcing that law!
All you snowflakes know that Trump is just a big 'ol bully, right?
Don't get your news from Communist News Network.
News max is where it’s at
CNN is false liberal news
This is fake news