Video from inside houses and shops present shaking from the earthquake that hit close to New York Metropolis on Friday.
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I felt it in my mind before it happened.It was like I can't experience you but people can sense it too
Astagafirullah, The world is old, in fact it is the decree of Allah subhana wata alah, usually there will be aftershocks in the middle of the night, and it is bigger, pray that we will always be given the salvation of the hereafter🤲
What no
im more confused as to why people have ring cameras recording while in the house. People honestly don't care about their privacy.
Indian astrologers had predicted earthquakes before the solar eclipse a week ago.
cute dogs
Tsunami coming???
Hahaha to people in mexico city this happens sometimes more than once a month 😅
Jesus loves everyone on here🙏❤
I was awake it i would say it was more than 20 seconds my. Cat was looking at me the whole time the noise was insane ive been in a few micro quakes but this was different i think more could be coming stay safe .
Time to REPENT, NY!
I was in school and I started feeling the shaking, at first I thought someone was shaking their foot on the ground but then the shaking intensified, I started hearing it, and then the flag in the room started bouncing, it was enough that the teacher stopped in her tracks, I realized it was an earthquake and said out loud “Earthquake?” And then checked global quake and confirmed it
انه الله ،، هذي قدرته جل في علاه القادر على كل شيء ، لا إله الا الله محمد رسول الله
World being judged. Pray up & stay safe family.
There are no black people that matter? Consider showing the diversity and not just the usual majority.
The one guy sitting at the table in the coffee shop got tf outta there so fast I almost think it was a dine n dash lol
Think km sound taiwan that ok
As a Californian I don’t see anything wrong here
Floods, earthquakes, volcano's, war and famine. Someone's not happy.
Aww.. I get those love taps about Twice a Month..
Child's Play, I was right near the epicenter in the Northridge Quake in 94. Heard the Earth crack, literally was going up and down 5 ft and side to side about the same at the same time, like being in the world's worst seas in a small boat, nothing you can ever describe and bring you there. Glad I got out of New York in time. Nothing but drama there.