Former Trump Group CFO Allen Weisselberg, who admitted to attesting falsely in Donald Trump’s civil fraud case, was once …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
How much money does it take to make you say lies to lose your FREEDOM?
Tell Wisellberg, "Don't worry. The Don will soon be there to tuck him in at night. Then fart on him.
March 2020 since Play girl or Playboy print, Stormy would be DBL. Jeopardy so now all ex's.are jumping on? Trump for $?
Lying for Trump never ends well.
5 MONTHS??! Still getting privileges.
That’s why trumps getting 5 minutes in handcuffs and then getting released 😂
It's crazy how in the midst of all these clear legal infractions, the Kangaroo Court is handing out slaps on the wrists. The courts are an accomplice atp. They are issue sweetheart deals and PRETENDING to hold these criminals accountable! Smh!
A fit Body
A calm mind
A house full of love
These things cannot be bought, they must be earned.
American justice….the best money can buy.
George Carlin said it best “ Just imagine your average stupid person in this country, half these people are stupider than that”
Shame, i guess thats what he taught his kids and his grandkids.
This is why people in the Trump cult continue to lie, cheat and steal because they know the courts will give them a pass. This isn't even a slap on the wrist it's a cool breeze.
Trump will eventually be locked up in jail too, just a matter of time. Dude still got the balls to run for president again, what a shame.
What a loser 😂
CFO of Trump…automatic tickets for the (under)-Bus-ride. Congrats.😂
He's going to die inside this going around. They will say old age. Trump will complain one day, maybe. After that, Trump will never mention his name again. Because DJ is a shitbag.
What a fucking joke of a sentence.
Typical non lies
Typical corrupt doj!
I dont know why people put their freedom on lines for this liar and con man
All for the love of a giant Cheeto
Great news, but only five months?
5 months? What a joke😮
It’s official…. We live in a police state ….going to jail for not knowing the square footage of an apartment ….communism at its best 💀
Seems kinda light, the sentence I mean.
But even so he may survive if he wins…but so far 13 people…??? O my