Gov. Chris Sununu, R-NH, criticized Donald Trump time and again in 2023, however on Sunday Sununu defended his flip-flopping on …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
What else would the Gov of NH get in line with, Really? The NRA owns that state & he’s speaking on behalf of the blood money the GOP receives not on the validity of crooked Donald as POTUS. American voters, understand the priority of these GOP far right politicians. Greed! 🤬
One word describes Republicans. Hypocrites
He was ALWAYS a flip-flopping liar. There’s nothing new to see here.
Independent and will 🇺🇸VOTE 🌎 BLUE🇺🇸
Sunnunu is a loser
Governor Nunu has joined the cult and been brainwashed
These guys always speak in terms of self interest, projection, false narratives, slants while using subliminal messaging.
51% ? Can we fact check that please?
I wonder if Ms Faulkner knows they are thinking about firing her?…… bet she gonna claim racism too I bet……
What did he receive from his ORANGE JESUS? ALL HAIL TO THE CLOWN 🤡! Maybe Shoonunu will shovel up all this elephant poop or put a bigger diaper on him.
He's become a mouthpiece for traitor trump, what a joke!
Can't defend the indefensible … Sorry. Obviously you are party before country … and to think I thought YOU might have been a good choice for president. No more.
Money. It makes people crazy.
Ah, a true Republican even though he admits the bRumph inspired an insurrection he would endorse him in the office of president well voters this the guy you have tasked with running your state well good luck with that.
And let's not forget bRumph had Russian spies working on his behalf to get him elected and the smear campaign they ran against Hillery was brutal. Even though Putin wants to get bRumph back in office so he can have a weak puppet doing what he is told on the promise of getting a hotel in Red Square. bRumph will do anything as long as he gets the money. He was voted the worst president we have ever had and has done more damage to the country than any other president the only president he should be is of a cell block on Rickers Island.
I'll bet Sununu had been threatened in some way by trumpy&gang, that his career will be over if he doesn't vote for trump… also, didn't he & all Repubs.have to sign a pledge to only vote for Republican candidate who won?
Something just isn't right about Sununu sudden change of heart.
He really made himself look bad claiming that 51 percent of americans supports trump .
So Sununu would vote for a serial killer for president as long as he’s republican.
Aren't Flip Flops JAIL SHOES
Sununu, just another republican coward. When Mitt Romney left, so did integrity. They are all begging to be Putins and Trumps minions.
Sanunu is gutless and hypocrisy oozes…so pathetic…..51% is a lie…not a leader
He is just one in a long line of GOP liars who everyday lose a little piece of their minds. Decent people don't want these kinds of mental idiots in charge of America. And if they get back in – the America we know and love will be gone. People like this guy can't be explained.
Funny to see so many with TDS trying to defend their case against DJT. And yes it's not 51% of Americans support him, more like 71% and no amount of cheating, wailing, lying & crying will change that fact. I'm jus happy Sununu had the balls to admit he was wrong or at least admit that Trump is the far better choice.
Thank You Governor, We haven't agreed on much the last several years but being able to come onto a far left news site and admit that Trump is the far better choice even if it comes with caveats is good to hear and shows you have still have a little humanity and humility in you.
Country over party ALWAYS. RepubliCONS don't care abt the country as a whole, only their own desperate need for power and control.
Party over country.
51% of the country support, Donald Trump they are crazy… They aren’t?
“We’ll do math later” sez the go toady who thinks 51%. of THE GQP equals “51% of the country”! Ever sane moral person already LEFT the TRUMP party— and apparently everyone who doesn’t didn’t is not a citizen of this country anymore in Sununu’s opinion. He welcomes Stephen Miller, Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Bannon, and all his other toxic pals as our future leaders.
A Brown Nosed Coward. Very Disappointing. Another Ted Cruz. A perfect representative of what the republican party has become.