Hamas is thinking about a untouched framework proposed via Egypt that requires the gang to shed as many as 33 hostages abducted …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Dari 3000 menjadi 34.000 jiwa, hentikan atau akan dihancurkan
Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation
God promised us that we would liberate Palestine, our land, from you, diaspora. They came from Russia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Britain, France, America and the West to occupy our land that we have cherished for thousands of years, but what was taken by force cannot be restored. Except by force. This is the forest we live in. Truth only comes with strength and power. We have understood that, and we will work on that. Palestine is Arab and Islamic forever, from the river to the sea, with our respect to the Arab Christians. They are with us the owners of the land, but the Arab Arabs are the owners of the land, not the racist blond European who is condescending to everyone. Yes, we will pay the bill for freedom and liberation, but less than the bill for slavery and submission. We are a nation that submits only to our Lord and nothing else. America will not remain forever, sons of Jews, and the puppet Arab rulers will also not remain on the thrones.
Israel has very been generous for the past years.Just imagined,they give subsidy to Israeli Muslim which are unacceptable because Israeli Muslim in return doesn't behave peacefully in Israel Society
No islamic no terror
What happened to IRAN. They just shut the fuck up. Dont mess with Israel and the USA.
The title looks this way on purpose, and they are keeping it on purpose
What Israel is doing is abhorrent but it's truly heartwarming to hear calls to peace from Saudi Arabia. 200,000 dead in Yemen has nothing to do with them, of course
Now that Democrats have embraced Palestinians and Hamas there is no way they can win the election. When President Trump starts sending these terrorists home Democrats can move to Caracas to be close to their kind.
The politically safe and now status quo assertion of American liberals and conservatives regarding the violence on American campuses as a result of Netanyahu's slaughter of over 30,000 Palestinians is that peaceful protest is a sacred right in America, but aggressive disruption such as occupations, property destruction, and violence in pursuit of one's agenda is not.
Biden decided to profess this, which is deeply hypocritical, given his and the Congress' decision to continue sending billions in aid to the genocidal government in Israel.
And, as evidence of most Americans' notoriously ahistorical proclivities, there has been no mention of the Boston Tea Party, enshrined for 250 years as a marvelously rowdy, nation-making act of rebellion against the limeys; the fact that loyalists (about 20% of the population) during the revolutionary era were ruthlessly bullied, beaten, tarred and feathered, and subjected to home invasions and wreckage, etc.; and that the endlessly glorified non-violent civil rights movement led by Martin King could not have succeeded without the alternative threat to the white racist establishment by militant blacks such as Malcolm X and the Black Panthers.
Violence in pursuit of American ideals is not acceptable? Then what about the B-29 incendiary and nuclear bombings of fascist Japan which destroyed swaths of 66 of that country's cities, and succeeded in forcing their "living deity" war-criminal emperor to surrender?
Hamas families members are being held in Raffah without their consent as human shield.
Gaza is your state, maggots. You set the stage for its destruction by voting Hamas into Power
Biden is in such trouble with his upcoming election, so he's trying to say that he now supports the atrocity, the genicide of Oct 7 against the Jewish state by whipping out hiis big gun, buying college student debt given in the billions, it'll be trillions of excused debt soon.FJB.
Gusting criminal situesion vasting video derrive vasting ferting crumier darier vertimens sustive gerrie nading copule varios demand buses serting creativ verios susting fings dash sentides cursi seminarios furiel destiniti fines serieti criminal varios derrives por enpigis desire furtive delis nading fustive gramen fernial sugetiv ya
Hamas started this. They shoukd blame Hamas for this. US and NATO must help rescue the hostages. Iran knows where Sinwar is.
Gaza like Gost town😂
Americans and Israel’s are devils. Who want to hear democracy from US . Lol
Sleeping joe wants to convince the world that a child in his house is a human shield
Today, there is no difference between Adolf Hitler and Joe Biden, who sent the Jews to the gas chambers, or the Nazis, who buried the Jews in mass graves, and the US people and state, who buried children and old women alive in buildings with the bombs they sent. Joe Biden and the American people have blood on their hands. This is the Palestinian genocide. It is being destroyed with all its members in a systematic and planned manner. The USA is more guilty of genocide than Israel.
Did you know you can have forgiveness for every sin you have ever committed?
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"
Everyone is going to die one day and after death comes a place for all sinners called hell which is eternal torment, but there is no need to fear because we were given a savior 2,000 years ago and his name is Jesus, so trust in Jesus today as your savior from hell. Christ is the only solution to the sin problem in our world and the eternal penalty as a result, which is ultimately part of our nature passed down from adam and eve due to their rebellion against God.
The good news is that there is a savior from the penalty of sin that God the father sent, and that is his only Son Jesus Christ, born of a virgin and without a sin nature like the rest of mankind. The father established the Old Testament law, which was morally perfect to show man's imperfection in attempting to keep it. But Jesus, being perfect, kept the law perfectly, thus fulfilling the law. However, he didnt just fulfill the law, he also died on the cross as a substitute for all mankind's sin. The penalty for sin is death, so God sent his own son to pay the penalty for Mankind so we dont have to go to hell.
The lake of fire is referred to as "eternal/spiritual death" so when Christ died for you and me, he satisfied the father's wrath against our sin. Afterwards, he was buried and then rose again after 3 days, conquering the grave. He did this so that mankind can recieve eternal life as a free gift, all you have to do is believe it was done for you.
The gospel of john states "He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life, but he that believeth NOT the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him." Believe in the original Greek language translates to "pistueo" which means to entrust, in this case, to entrust ones eternal destination to Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 "for by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves it is a GIFT of God. Not of works lest anyman should boast." Simply believe what Christ already did for you to receive eternal life and are forgiven of every sin. After this, you are given the righteousness of Christ to be just before the father. Romans 4:6 "just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works"
Bullshit propaganda
Plain and simple you dont negotiate with terrorist, what part of english the political world dont get it
Zionists go home
Where are the gay Palestinians ? Dead ? Huh. Did Israel kill them ? No ?Other Palestinians did. Oh.
The fact that Israel is bombing schools and hospitals is just pure evil, Israel is the evil one here
Ok, and what happens after the 40-day ceasefire? Dumb deal.
Blinky the Zionist the whole USA govt is infested 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
Let’s all get together and quit watching CNN
Non-english native speakers will think that Hamas has offered an "extraordinarily generous" ceasefire, when the truth is that Israel did it.
could you please add offered by Israel, please.
Hamas been offered a proposal. CNN for the love of god, can you fix your titles?
Why is the title so vague? Israel offered the deal to Hamas, not vice versa
Why is the title so vague? Israel offered the deal to Hamas, not vice versa
Why is the title so vague? Israel offered the deal to Hamas, not vice versa
Yeah they are running out of himan shields so they want a cease fire. Hamas you are truly cowards. Cnn, you beed to do better bc noone beleives what you say. Find god again.
🟥🟨🟪🟩 From NewYork to Washington American will be free!! ✌️✌️America will be free from AIPAC=American Israel Public Affairs Committee! America should run by American Christian neither the Jews or Zoinest! Free USA from Zoinest!! ✌️✌️