On Monday, Honor introduced the Honor 200 and 200 Professional smartphones in China, with the 200 Professional style that includes a 6.78-inch OLED show with a 1.5K answer, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, a 50MP major digital camera with OIS (Perceptible Symbol Stabilization), 100W speedy charging aid, and twin entrance cameras. The usual model has a matching show however makes use of the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor and lacks some complex options comparable to wi-fi charging. Each fashions percentage a graceful design with crooked edges and are available in numerous colours, together with dim, white, crimson, and blue. The Honor 200 order levels from RMB 2,699 ($372) to RMB 4,499 ($621). Within the first quarter, Honor noticed double-digit expansion in China, taking pictures a 16.1% marketplace percentage with gross sales of 8.9 million gadgets, pushed by means of prevailing unutilized fashions and its growth in offline retail channels, in step with Counterpoint Analysis. [IThome, in Chinese]