How lengthy can Vladimir Putin afford to proceed his warfare in Ukraine with out inflicting financial ache on his personal individuals?
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The prices of basic items are rising fast and fact is social payments will not be keeping up with such .Russia forced into buying Chinese products that fall very below the standards of the west..
Chinese helping Putin 💵🐓👈😅
Putin’s war budget is gained through Russia’s strong economy. US, Canada and UK get theirs war money by abusing tax$$
This is probably the most sensible evaluation of the Russian
Financial and Political position regarding the Ukraine war I have heard. Well done.
How long can Ukranians keep dying to achieve the Western targets. Do you want to ask about this? How long the Western puppet remains illegally in the Ukraniane presidency.
At first, DW, thanks for this good interview and intelligent analysis.
In fact we can conclude that China today is buying out Russia from all their industrial assets, the same as they tried to do in Europe and the US for a long time already. But we could cope with it and stopped it in a way, but for Russia in the end this will be *disrupting*. The rest of the market within Russia itself will be killed by corruption (a problem not mentioned here). It is looking very bad for Russia after the war for sure, of which makes me very worried. And they are loosing 900 Orcs a day in Ukraïne for this silly 'special operation' they perform there, what a mess Putin has created…..
Russia can't fool me they feeling the strain now and over time
Europe has not learned after 2 world wars caused by them. 3rd war would be different as last time only population halved this time no one will be left to cheer from either side. Greed should have linit….
Russia's economy growing at records speeds, stabilized inflation, reduced unemploymenet, grown their salaries… All that while fighting a proxy war against the entire first world economies. Meanwhile, Europe is almost in full recession. The sanctions are hurting our selves way more than Russia. This was obvious then, and is even more obvious now. How much longer are our leaders gonna pretend they know what they are doing?
Gee! What did they think would happen when Putin decided to invade Ukraine?
,,,,,a cair a pique, durante 40 anos será a miséria na rússia.Os jovens russos têm a vida hipotecada.
As long as Putin can keep his palace?
The peoples suffering will probably mean nothing for how long the war will last….
No matter what she said Russia is winning.
Are you serious ? 😮
Looks like it will be longer than Germany can
All frozen assets of russia will be give to ukraine.
10 years at least. How much longer can we wage war in Ukraine? less than 6 months I'd say.
She might be an expert in economy / finances….. but shes definetly a beginner in geopolitics.
DW at its usual propagandist self. Inviting a liar from Carnegie lol Utter failure of a channel.
A bit of a silly question really. The answer to the initial question is that he couldn't afford to continue to run Russia at a loss any longer and had to start a war with someone to cover the fact that he has already given away huge amounts of GDP to his friends and puppets, the oligarks. The question really needs to be "How long before all Putins mistakes catch up with him?"
Longer than Ukraine can
The initial question is wrong. Putin is already inflicting economic pain on his own people. The question is how much economic resources can be diverted to the military before a popular uprising occurs. Historically speaking, populations as repressed as this don’t kick off revolutions until it reaches the point of starvation.
How many Nuclear bomb shelters does the US money purchase? When will Russia run out of Missiles?
As long as energy from oil and gas is needed, and advancement of low cost drone, Russia can do this all day.
Why Europe is buying Russian gas?
This interview tell all, why German Chancellor is visiting China PRC since 2022, communication to Russia is thru China. Henry Kissinger Quote: “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” is playing out in 2024. Going to be another cold, dark winter of 2024 for Germany.
The west vs the rest
Lol it will be a very long time before anyone in the US, EU Japan, Korea or other industrialized countries ever deals with Putin's Soviet Russia again, Russia offers nothing essential that these other countries need. Russia will just have to rely upon China and India who will seek bottom-feeder opportunities from Russia to their advantage.
How long ? Forever. Russia has many times Ukraine population. They make missiles like sausages with chip from washing machines, and million of shuffles which has beaten UAF to a pulp.
Does she know what she is talking about. She sound like a second year college student.
The War started in 2014.
Super intelligent and well swiched on young woman – Russia is losing it's talented folk with it's poor leadership
Maybe one day countries like Russia and China will tire of living under a dictator. These folks spend their whole lives with 1 man in charge, dictating their lives, controlling what they can say about the government and what they see on the internet. I suppose China has always had an emperor and Russia has always had a Tsar, so maybe they are used to this?
it can resist too much
These are the same people who told us Russia will be broke by May 2022
Without inflicting Economic Pain on his People ?
Negative 2 Years.
How long he can keep it going tough is a different story. If Russia is willing to endure the pain it can last Years to come.
Once Russia has taken at least one million casualties, and actually, more like 10 million, their economy will spiral into collapse.
russia has been annexed by China, they just haven't realised it yet.
If Russia gains territory, the value of the minerals on the land and the crops grown over centuries would make this an economically profitable war for Russia. Short term heavy investment for long term gain.
The EU will lose out as there is no actual return of investment. Doubt, private companies will invest in a war zone especially as factories can be bombed. The Western taxpayer will be paying for this war.
As long as it takes to win. Ukraine should surrender while they still have some bargaining power.
How long? As long as the west wants; putin has the backing of the rest of the world