The overall feeling in Israel is that one thing is coming, that it might be vital, and that it is one thing that can more than likely …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
The kitchen workers incident was a tragic mistake and Israel apologized. It’s a war.
Anyone besides BB would go crazy with all of the pressure that he is taking
Israel is committing all kind of crimes in gaza
Iran is hidden friend of Israeel
Iran is just talking about attacking Israel…try to prove it
If Iran attacks, Israel will give a commensurate response
America must always be prepared. We cannot depend solely on technology and miracles to fight our wars. Fortunately we have many young men and women interested in sports and athletics and joining gyms and I believe many are prepared to defend this country if necessary. I have read that Israel is trying to bring Iran into the War and Iran may want to bring America into the War and Russia is already fighting so we have to always look at these events as potentially signalling the end of the world as we know it. God bless our leaders as they make tough decisions.
Iran chocolate is on it way the western world is getting tired of their husband Israel 😂😂😂
'Those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.'
Funny how you can get al jazeera on you've but not directly
Zechariah 12
The world is a stage – The east has a plan, a goal – The west has a, a, ah, oh never mind.
Israel cannot and will not abide by international law as long as the US HAS THERE BACK!
Iranian leaders are partners with the US and the Zionists. They’ll do nothing. A strong Israel opens up more money opportunities for Iran.
– Israelis are most loved by Americans.
– Americans will welcome Israelis with open arms into their homes.
– America has plenty of land to accommodate Israel as its 51st state.
– Israel can have a real safe Jewish state surrounded by friendly states.
– America will no longer have to spend $3 billion tax payer money per year for Israel's defense.
– The transportation cost will be less than 3 years of defense spending.
– Palestinians will get their land and life back.
– Middle East will again be peaceful without foreien interference.
– Oil prices will go down, inflation will go down, whole world will be happy.
Taste of israhel own medicine
Netanyahu is desperate to start a war with Iran. Biden is desperately trying to avoid another war beginning esp in an election year. Will Netanyahu listen? No. His polical survival depends on having a war with Iran. Biden does not seem to appreciate this fact.
Come on Iran…
Iran can not do anything they are cowerd india ki bal bhi baka nahi kar chakta iye iran
Israel is the menace of the world
Israel broke every international laws !
They have immunity given by US
Iran has the right to defend itself
It's predictable that Iran's response to Israel's attack on its embassy would include US interests, with America retaliating in kind. With the US under increasing pressure both internationally, and at home, what better way to draw it further into the conflict.
Israel has lost the support of the world congratulations USA and Nathanyahu as well as UK and co.
Killing an ambassador is an equivalent to kill a kingdom's messenger back in the middle ages and that's how usually started the war between two kingdoms, 1$RAEL is crazy!
Comments keep on deleting which are against Israel
A recommendation. Independent investigations need to be done on the many 'mistakes' Israel has made, as in killing three of their own hostages, the volume of journalists killed, the volume of humanitarian aid workers killed, the number of Palestinian civilians killed, and how was it that militants had free reign in Israel for hours before help turned up from the Israeli military. There are too many 'mistakes' now. Something needs to be done.
Iran Go ahead you have the support of the whole world
Iran should apologize for it's embassy intercepting Israeli missiles
How do you judge or referee a matter by arming one side. Then giving dog food to the other.
When ambassador office use for terror consulate, that's how it is.
Where both sides are equipped and are fighting each other is war.This is a genocide where only one is equipped and is on a killing spree.Soldiers fight war on morals and ethics, idf is criminal and israel is tyrant of this decade and the worst in the whole of history of mankind. No tyrant was as evil kinned. The destruction and atrocities
Happening in Gaza is pure evil. Indeed Allah is the most just and to remember even pharaoh couldn’t get away with its atrocities.
US has caused a lot of damage in Middle East destroying Iraq and Afghanistan and angered the Muslim world China and Russian. Hopefully the Bricks currency will get rid of the US dollar dominance.
lol come on aljazeera, Israel is in trouble for killing white people. i thought this was a middle eastern station.
All I have to say is, if you didn't want a strike from Iran you shouldn't have struck Iran. They also have a right to defend themselves.
Israel has NO Constitution and it’s govern by the Zionist Junta Regime. Don’t expect Free and Fair Investigations and anything related International Laws and Regulations.
They should be scared because they created the situation they're in. I don't feel sorry for them at all 🤨
you reap what you sow.what goes around comes around.rule of life
Iran should not attack Israel now in its own interest. They should avoid direct war.
MY ally is Iran.
I'm not supporting Palestine, don't go with the flow😂
When Israel sends out the call for aid. May the aid organizations ignore their call
leads to paradise RUS ENGL HINDUISM BIBLE TANAH ———– they say clearly about Muhammad see on YouTube the name Muhammad is written in Hebrew in the Tanakh – songs of Solomon 5 – daughters of Jerusalem I love Muhamedim ( respect Muhamed)etc . In HINDUISM, THERE are 40 PLACES ABOUT MUHAMMAD
Ibn 'Abbas- …." He will enter Paradise and see a thousand servants ruling millions of cities.
You seem to have forgotten or unaware of Israeli resilience in military confrontations against Arab nations. They crushed them in 1967 and 1973, and will do the same today. Arab belligerence, doesn't intimidate Israel it only makes it strong.
Iran has the right to defend herself. But they wont do that.
Iran will walk the talk?
The joke is on you, losers.
Not possible, Inevitable.😂😂😂
Israel is superior to iran qed