Philadelphia police instructed FOX 29 that a couple of public had been shot and injured throughout an Eid tournament on Wednesday. Masses of …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
So this is only a "shooting" not "terrorism" very interesting
Eid event? Equity, Inclusion and Diversity. Oh, must have been a job fair!
This was not even in news in Florida Why?
Was his an American terrorist
Has IS already accepted the attack? Maybe these were the same IS that attacked in Moscow, Seems like that’s the new name for every western country covert operations.
It just doesn’t make sense why someone would harm someone in a peaceful religious ceremony. That is so wrong no matter the religion.
This is tragic! Did you know this? That "As a Christian, Soul Winning Is our responsibility. That I should try to win my immediate family and relatives (John 1:40-42). I should try to win my friends and neighbors (John 4:28-29, 39).That I should try to win other people (Mark 16:15)As a Christian,I should Know the Result of not Trying to Win a Soul for Jesus Christ, that God Will Require ME to Answer to Him if that Person Dies without Being Saved (Eze 3:18-19; Acts 20:26-27; Pro 24:11-12) Friends,start now so that we do not have to meet Jesus empty-handed without SAVED souls
Why not call it white christian terrorst ?
Ray Epps was seen yelling we must go into the mosque we must go into the mosque.
Please remember to boycott all products advertised on all news agencies it's very very important
It's time to abolish Fox News . As a news agency you are a failure you are obsolete.
If Muslims are slaughtered so easily because they don't like it, if Muslims retaliate against you calling them terrorists, radicals, then you feel like you are the best religious person in the world and your God approves of your sadistic actions? who are the real terrorists in this world?
so the jihadis wants to make their message their religion is peaceful
Keep on going Amerikkka! Keep selling those guns!! Live the American dream!! 🙈
That’s because American media to blame. They don’t normalize muslims. They show them as phonetic extremist small minded and just different. In fact, Muslims are just like anybody else, but American media doesn’t wanna show that they don’t all cover up. They don’t all our religious just like everybody else. They are religious Muslims. They’re non-religious their culturally Muslims. They’re all kind of Muslims everywhere that you don’t even see that Muslim you can only recognize Muslims if they are wearing certain clothing, American media is hypocrite
It's amazing how these media platforms are biased, well, we all know that it was ordered by the Zionist lobby in the US, done by Christian terrorists, this is what you need to know, the plain truth..
Don’t change the meaning of terro*ism as you like terro*izing people IS CALLED TERRO*ISM! Call it what it is!
Johnson refuses to meet with the British Foreign Secretary, but MAGA Republicans are happy to meet with Putin’s lap dog, puppet, and emissary, Viktor Orban.
Remove Johnson. Arrest MTG for inciting insurrection and aiding and abetting a hostile foreign power.
And there told worry about the white man and police not a word from the black leaders and blm this happens every day in America but not one word from anyone.