Slovak High Minister Robert Fico has been shot, in step with native media stories. Mr Fico was once shot in entrance of a cultural …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Ukra NaZii terrorist did it
Fico is someone against Anglo-American domination in Europe. Not controversy there, people are contra current Anglo – American "Drang nach Osten" . If collective west continues to shove its supremacist exclusivity and entice intra Slavic fratricid, people will eventually turn against imperialist collective west. And, by the way, only powerful Russia can do that (will do that). Anglo American empire= ww3. Can you sleep with that? I cant. Please stop propagating war. I can hear you shouting:"Russia attacked first!" To what I say : stop lying! Remember :" Not an inch eastwards?". Please, we dont want ww3!😢
You just need to be a little bit nationalist and have a little more of consideration before sending WEPONS to other country to be seing as an "populist putinist"….western maniqueism is so funny…if it wasnt tragic
Criticism of NATO leads to acute lead poisoning.
Expansionists journalism
You are one idiot. From GB you see another things, go to hell, bullshit.
Cant wait to start reading all the ignorant and uninformed western takes on this over the next few days, oh boy.
I can already see it coming. "bUt If hE iS uNPOpuLaR wHY diD hE GeT ELecTEd?/??/"
Украинские власти так же взорвали Дарью Дугину, Владлена Татарского, Захара Прилепина, Александра Захарченко, Арсена Павлова, застрелили Михаила Толстых, Олесь Бузина, Илью Кива. Взорвали Крымский мост, Северный поток, курировали теракт в Крокус Сити Холл, сожгли ЗАЖИВО 48 русских в Доме Профсоюзов, расстреляли мирных жителей Мариуполя на 9 мая в 2014 и.т.д.. БЕЗНАКАЗАННОСТЬ приводит к потери чувства реальности…..
It^s the same hate from 🌈???🌈 like the hate against ViktorOrban and against AFD / Germany …..
Ormai la nato e l’uccidente sono arrivati al livello della camorra e ndrangheta. È necessario che Dio mandi un vero castigo su questa europa degenerata! NATO 👎👎👎👎☠️
Reckless EU fascists are pushing the world to WWIII.
I bet putin is looking at this closely…double the number of guards ?
The world needs to wake tf up! He got shot because he aligned with Russia and refused to send troops to Ukraine. This is dangerous. We all know what happened when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated…
Dealey Plaza 1963
Its islamic terrorism… Against his statement to save slovakia from muslims.. Dnt be fool eruope is in big trouble of islam..
How deeply devided is Slovakia ..and why ? being told this is a liberal, young pro e u devision , supported from the outside ( brussels / washington ) versus conservative , nationalist and older with a lean toward moscow …
He is pro Putin and against sending weapons to Ukraine.
Being on the wrong side of people's political will does have CONSEQUENCES.
To everyone trying to spread misinformation: guy who shot him was 71 year old Slovak from Levice, who wrote a book with racist theme. He was also member of Slovenskí Branci, pro-Russian paramilitary organization with ties to nazi parties like LSNS, SHO or Republika (who were going to support Fico if they got into the parliment in September 2023). So no, it's not some Ukrainian, it's not because of some made up annoucment that Fico won't sign the WHO treaty, no, it's not because he does not play by EU, because in reality, he does, because if EU does not give us money, there is nothing that he can steal from, so please guys, if you have no idea about politics in Slovakia just keep it down and cry.
war mongers are getting too much 😡
Fcuk the WHO and fcuk tho WEF