The USA warned Iran to not retaliate in opposition to it for an assault on Iran’s embassy compound in Syria, telling the UN Safety …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
End the occupation
Why is this allowed ! It’s brakes international laws
Why is Israel NOT had Accountable!
This blatant disregard for international law is destroying our international dynamics the hypocrisy the double standards need to stop
It’s about time for countries to confront and challenge America, the west and Israel about their hypocrisy. They does not have more rights than any other country. This bubble standard has been going on for too long. We have enough. it must stop
Isreal has gone to far and should be stopped. Isn't it the mafia Rockefellers from the US that owns Isreal. The US mafia elites that run the country and their puppets in the government are sick sociopaths. All they think about is money power and control. The world is fed up with Nato and the US. The US has wanted to start a war with Iran for a long time because they didn't want to use the US dollar anymore. They want to go to war with the whole world including their own citizens. It's over for the US and the mafia elites. The American empire has fallen.
About time nations speak out against western imperialism and colonialism and call out the bullies!!!
If democracy means only talk, if democracy means the closing of eyes to the deaths and unacceptable ways of life, if democracy means the right to existance for only a selected few, then we should seek other forms of governance and the style in which they act out the Rules Based Laws.
If this is a Democratic process, I am actually disappointed and utterly ashamed and totally disgusted.
The West is turning into Nazis, NATO is a mafia, and the US their bank, assassins and armory very disgraceful.
What 'rules based international order' is this fool talking about? Whose rules, where were they decided & what are they?
Closed down the UN they are ineffective.
If you ever thought or believed the UN was a toothless absolutely hopeless institution watch these long and pretty hopeless sessions…Israel has never cared about any UN Resolution. Since 2013 it has been condemned in 45 UN resolutions. If this was any other state, sanctions and a full boycott would have been in place for this blatant disregard for International Law (as defined and policed by the UN)…While the US, UK, Germany and other European nations continue to fully support Israel..there is clearly zero consequence to their behavior and actions😠
The United Nations is complicit from the start, as its controlled by USA, and whatever USA says go. USA and UK are both complicit in the genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing since they have created the zionist state of Israel. The world needs to wake up and take a decisivie stand against this imperialism facist movement and stop the crimes on the human race. Israel was not created by peace by a zionist colonial settlement movement. Shame on the West's double standards
I cannot hear the interpreter
What was terrolists doing in Iran conslate in SYRIA
The complicit of evil only make them evil😂😂😂
USA always under control israel , USA always vote act under teritory israel 😂
Shame on you USA always support israel doing genocide
If Isreal refuse to listen UN, no problem. If any other country refuse then immediately sanction imposed on that country, oh, Iarael is not in our world is it? no no it is called western double standard!
Comdem. Warning. Thats such a U.N. talk. What is condemn gonna do???
Small States? China and Russia included… 😅
Looks like Iran, against all expectations, placing itself in harms way as a subject of unpredictable scale of retaliation by Israel and its main supporters, such as USA and some countries of Western Europe, has not only demonstrated its military power without any loss of life, defied the Western narrative rhetoric and its hypocrisy, but also challenged the resolve of Israel partners, such as US and Western Europe, more than likely placing itself in harms way, as United States announcing they will give their unconditional support to a country that according to IJC possibly committing genocide .
US statements are full of lies when they say that they do not know if Israel bombed the Iranian consulate in Syria.