(Section 1/2): Michelle Makori, Govern Anchor and Scribbler-in-Important at Kitco Information, interviews Nic Carter, origination spouse at Fortress Island …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
I think you are giving the government and the fed too much credit! They aren't that smart! They prove it everyday!
Since Bric was launched and more so after it became BRICS, the demise of the dollar has been propagandized relentlessly.
Yet the dollar is more in demand now than ever.
The Yuan, Rouble, Brazilian Real, South African Rand, Iranian Real and most other currencies are all tumbling as the dollar reached ew highs, especially since 2020. And that's despite China, Russia, India and other BRICS countries buying more and more gold. 😩
Not believable that this Bit Coin can become an alternative financial currency! I seriously doubt its future. Sorry.
The idea that the dollarized Crypto is "another buyer"… It may be on one day or another but the trend is seeing multiple currency onramp and offramp options.. Dollar might not actually be the best place to park cause their are so many dollars.. If BRICS decides to voluntarily devalue on US$ denominated debts… The hyper inflate period could end up being a warp drive moment..
MMT advocates would argue counter to Nic Carter
Just Dream OFF!!
Maybe Biden & Co.could do so 😂
People don't realise that the US foreign debt is very small percentage of its total debt. Its main creditor is the Treasury. But now it cannot keep printing money as the demand for the USD has declined worldwide. No more petrodollar, and countries around the world have shifted to gold for their reserves.
Don't bet against the dollar because it shows you're stupid and it's a bad bet!
A novel idea!
If the US started nibbling on the debt, without deficit spending, the inflation would fal.
So the interest could be lowered, reducing the cost of the debt.
Nah, stupid idea!
After WWII we were over 200% Debt to GDP bro.
clearly you have never played monopoly.
Convert your Fiat into physical gold and silver
It will be gold backing run in a corrupt government and the whole thing backed by central currency only for supply and demand. BlackRock is saying because India has got its financial reset completed and now infrastructure is going on. China and Russia is following India pattern. The only thing they don't know is the indianized financial planning. You don't have twenty years. You have twenty months. If you want Indian design you call Dr Ankit Shah from India, Gujarat. Indian PM Modi's state😂😂😂. Frankly, I am not joking!
Why do you flog a dead horse?
in few months US must add new debt to run the country. just pray China doesn't dump some of its massive US treassury bonds at the same time
Isn't that ironic when the whole point of BTC was to divest from USD
US FED is the buyer. Rest of the world should Shun USD denominated Treasury bonds. Let's all watch how this con goes to demise quickly.
Crypto is corrupting because it is anonymous for the people that deal in it.
Also the people who own cryptos like BC get fewer and fewer so it is no good for general everyday transactions.
Cryptos are like paintings which are worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it, whether it be a dollar or a million dollars.
It’s a gambling chip used in the Global casino worth whatever, but as a Reserve currency it is useless as the value could be anything, it has no stability.
Linger it drag, deeper it fall.
So if I max out my Visa card, I get an America Express card. Max out the Am Express card, then get a Dscovery card, so I am suddenly living in a sustainable way?
Who wants. To be. A part. Of 34 trillion debt backed by debt. And sanctions. If uncle is not happy with you
Bitchporn is worthless.
Good…then the debt pit will be much much much deeper with irreversible damage.
US over capacity $pending freak , 3rd world countrie$ have no interest investing into US……soon US be hyperinflation like Argentina..
They will ban trading gold as they did 1929.
Wasn't the point of crypto to be free of the dollar and fiat currency? Now Carter claims that the "crypto economy is a dollarized system"??? HA! HA! HA! HA! Actually, he's right. Crypos are USELESS AND VALUELESS, JUST TOTAL SPECULATION. No central bank holds it and the DTCC just ruled that Bitcoin has ZERO collateral value. Why doesn't KITCO do an episode on the implications of the DTCC ruling?
The only buyer is usa through the back door!!
Unfortunately. America is to immature & greedy to deserve being the reserve currency. History is both. Daunting & cruel. Over amortization of fiat currency has & always will ultimately. FAIL
😮buying USD is just creating more war and insurgency.
Very interesting premise: Crypto is a dollarized asset.
Debt is not a problem when you have the money printer. The problem is elsewhere. The financial system was designed to bury excess of money to keep inflation under control. The problem is that money printing is done to satisfy government spending and that spending happens in the real economy and money is not being buried. It is buried a posteriori by making citizen to pay for US government sins. So government pays and citizens see their money taken by inflation and interest rates hike.
There "are" mega trends, not "is". Subject-verb agreement is missing.
35 trillion in debt is a lot, these politicians aren't taking this seriously !
God help us !
China has no choice but to diverse away from US’s debt due to geopolitical tensions. Looking at Russia who assets were confiscated, and kicked out of the SWIFT system, set the alarm bell for China. It is no brainer for China to unload as fast as they can before US get an excuse to halt their exodus.
Who wants to buy debts of bankruptcy nation usa,,,, ?????
Bitcoin is created out of thin air. The same as printing money.
What's a block chain? A mathematical formula? What's a Sam Bankman-Fried? Or is it Sam Bankman-Fraud?
Stablecoins definitions "in theory", " depends on", "if", "there have been problems" blah blah blah. I'll stick with gold and silver.
This Weimar economics will make the BRICS shine, and the G7 tarnish!
If something like this Stablecoin stuff is based on the dollar. . .Then, if the dollar is so bad that we need these new forms of currency, how can you trust them if they're based on the dying dollar? Aren't they really in a way just digital "fiat"? I think ALL forms of currency are primarily based on the ACCEPTANCE of those being paid with that currency. IF they are willing to play that currency's "game", then it works. But if the day comes when they refuse to play that currency's "game", it won't work.
His idea of stable coin buyer of US treasury bonds saving de dollarization is totally dumb idea. Nobody has that kind of money to buy trillions of dollars of US debt. Only US Govt can save dollar by making strong promise and commitment of not weaponizing dollar and confiscating other country or people’s assets in dollars which itself is an immoral act anyway.
Will your money at Swift’s valid ? …
Will Usa 🇺🇸 honour their debt ???