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Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Watching from Portugal, due to America assosiation with Israel it is losing its credibility and respect
Police in Texas are very poorly trained and their ranks are filled with former high school bullies.
"it's a good day for peace" – this Is a complete joke and I have no words anymore.
Since when do WEAPONS bring PEACE. That bull 💩
no "do not recommend" button for this channel? youtube why are you recomending me this garbage in between actual news videos???????? what is your intensions google?
How did they know the gender of the student who was punched by police? Did the police know the person identified as female? Besides, does informing the audience of the gender let us know if the person was more or less able to take a punch?
“Incredible gurl.. it’s like, incredibly incredible.. and like, stunningly brave and incredible. Really incredible.”
Tick tock got your information and is collecting more and when they brain wash you in something they can squash then you will get smashed by them so safety.stop TikTok
Vampire Biden ! Sick Man 😡
Whose bright idea was it to strap on the face diapers?
Go Israel
Ugh, this show, this anchor are painful to watch.
US has to stop sucking up the riches and occupied territories all in the Middle East drs from Palestine Iraq to siege of Lebanon Syria The policy of occupation and resources has to end as we see the US Hegemony is out of control.USA The Zahunists want to destroy politically and diplomatically Israel and the US economy and support weapons factories. The END of the US dollar is happening FASTER than we thought possible
Israeli women must immediately abandon military service, even if it is necessary to desert. , Your government has a Zahuniste policy. The world cannot accept 50,000 deaths, women, children, 98,750 injuries and the destruction of churches, mosques and total infrastructure for the Palestinians. Total hypocracy, the answer won't take long to arrive, rest assured.
Tax money wasted by this administration is not fair while the people of the US are not in good health. The ICCJ will issue an arrest warrant for Netanyhanhu. The ICCJ will have to carry out orders against assassins. The international community must immediately suspend all relations with ISRAEL. Israel does not show truths. Israel or the Zahunists continue with the genocide. We should not trust Biden's policy, Netanyhahu or Bliken are unfortunately in the US governments
what a wonderful day for peace… 900 billion dollars in weapons are bought and sold.
No commission, of course. Honest Joe.
Americans are hopeless. Give up.
អាប្រធានាធិបតី អាសភាថោកទាប ដឹកនាំ ដោយសារស្រី ហែងអោយ មីស្រីថោកទាបគ្មានប្រយោជន៍
គ្នាហែង បោះអោយ កុំប៉ះពាល់សន្លឹកឆ្នោត ស្រី ប្រុសពួកអញ អាប្រុសថោកទាប បើគ្មាន សមត្ថភាព ទេ កុំចង់ធ្វើ វីរបុរស ក្រុម អាប្រុសថោកទាប
ធ្វើប្រជាជន ធម្មតាទៅ កុំចង់ធ្វើ វិរបុរស
វាថោកទាប ណាស់ ពួកអញ មនុស្ស ស្របច្បាប់ រកសុី ចិញ្ចឹមខ្លួនឯង កុំរស់មនៅ លើកំលាំងពួកអញ អាប្រុសថោកទាប 😂 ហែងជេរពួកអញ ស្របច្បាប់ អត់ប្រយោជន៍ ហែង កុំ យកសន្លឹក ឆ្នោត របស់ពួកអញ អាប្រុសថោកទាប រំលោភសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស គឺថោកទាបអញ្ចឹងឯង អញប្រឆាំង ពួកអាមេដឹកនាំ គ្មានប្រយោជន៍ដូចពួកអញហែង អត់ប្រយោជន៍ សោះហាមាតជេរពួកអញ អត់ប្រយោជន៍ ការរស់នៅ អន់ជាងសត្វ ផងហា បើកអស្ចារ្យ រកបាយសុី ខ្លួនឯថ អាប្រុសថោកទាប ប្រទេសណាក៏មានច្បាប់ ដោះស្រាយដែរ មកធ្វើអំពើ ឡប់ ជេរ មនុស្សតាមផ្កាយរណប ពួកអញមិនគោរ ពួលថោកទាបអស់ឯងទេ ព្រោះ សន្លឹក ឆ្នោត អញបោះអោយ គោរពសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស
I pity the good US Citizens, the current US political system is just criminal and corrupt, not only do they support genocide they now turn on their own citizens. got to make you laugh when they claim to be land democracy and the free. no credibility left and losing influence.
…why don’t they go there and fight? The “protest” is comedic. 6:55 lol… wtf? “Conduits” that’s called being a mother… avoiding that via murder, so you can further your progress into more debauchery is pretty evil… the face of evil, ladies and gentlemen. 6:52 eh, half those abortion are female… wow the level of selfishness blinds this person to any self awareness. 7:01 which is it? Not enough care it ruins their pregnancy or too much care it forces them to have a healthy baby they don’t want? Geesh… blatant confident stupid kills people, specifically fetus people. The most defenseless of us all.
Unfortunately, due to the actions of Israel behaving similar to how their ancestors were treated during the holocaust, the defense of "Antisemitism if you disagree" is losing social value….soon the holocaust wouldn't have mattered, because then everyone is fair game to a parallel level of cruelty. The era of "revenge" is upon our world.
Thank you students ! We need you to save our society from going down the toilet. Bring back morals and ethics
There are no "good guys" in US politics. There are only more competent criminals and less competent criminals
So when SHTF really hits the fan you really think they are going to change and get better or stay the same and get worse!?🤔🕵🏾🥷🏾🤢🤮🤑🖕🏾
The person speaking in Islamic attire is a fake
When is this guy going g to be fired?
❤ Abedlhakim USA VERSACE Hollywood Facebook boss Hollywood Abedlhakim ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ public américain les star général ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ américain HABIBA 🪆❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Abedlhakim ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Justice for the people of Palestine
FJB !!!!! All the money he gives to war, I do not approve of our taxes going to kill people. Why are we involved ????????? Why is this happening ???? Democracy is killing people NOW as we speak, Really ?????????
I’m sorry but abortion is not birth control. Quit saying they are taking women’s rights away. Bs
Hamas started the war
No more money but kept spending & printing & humiliating Americans with high inflation. Shame on you Biden.
95 billion dollar spending package for Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel = a good day for peace?
What Free Speech?
Usa lecturing and sanctioning HK
Nancy pelosi/ what a beautiful sight to behold