NEW: Trump goes OFF THE RAILS in unhinged speech about decide To inform President Biden to develop the Supreme Court docket, signal …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
To tell President Biden to expand the Supreme Court, sign here 👉
He keeps saying that all of the people like judges and juries in all of his cases ,are all in this HUUUUGE conspiracy against him, even tho they're in different states and jurisdictions!! Oh ya. When choosing the jury BOTH the DA and the defense attys choose them. Tired of Trump's whining and whining and whining about how its EVERYONE else's fault!!¡!
It's amazing how this man can spew so many lies at his rallies and idiots fall for it. Another reason why he should be in jail. I'M SO TIRED OF HIM!!!!!;
He NEVER,EVER talks about what he's gonna do for Americans. He spends the time at his "rallys" beating the same old tired horse!!! Sick of hearing his BS
Trump shattered the fundraising record nearly doubling Biden's NYC extravaganza with the other two stooges……..
I still cant understand why he hasnt been put in jail already. He should have been arrested the MINUTE he walked out the door of the WH for treason because he is now "Joe Citizen". He is NO different than any other citizen in this country!
Those people in the background need to wake from their stupor!
Surprised that he isn’t marketing the bibles as “King Donald Version”.
I'd rather listen to Charlie Sheen circa 2011. At least he was charismatic.
All y’all in these comments are sorry ##### this country is going into the ground rn and that’s all y’all worried about 😂🤗
Stepping over and ON people.
Mr. Diller summed up the latest financial offering in a succinct and easily understood manner😊🤫🤗👀😉
His supporters ARE stupid.
Fox paid 700 thousand for their part and it is only fitting that trump pay 500 thousand for his part in all the chicanery he participated in.
Gotta love the honesty: “It’s a scam just like everything he’s involved in is some sort of con.”
Donald Trump is a sick corrupt narcissistic compulsive lying egotistical sociopath.
In a bee becomes president once again he will destroy our country like he has done every single one of his businesses by driving it into the ground and bankrupting it.
Your a crook and you haven't won any of the cases yet. But you've lost them though
From Ireland, can you guys please lock this liar/criminal/loser up.
In my birth country of Mexico, the corrupt politicians use the judicial system to crush the opposition. The cartels also use the judicial system so they can continue being free. Currently, the USA is looking more and more like Mexico. Hardworking Mexicans here in the USA are looking for a brighter future, but that bright light is dimming a little more with the current administration. My vote will not be democratic anymore.
Nobody heard it before because you just made it up.
We want OUR immunity from the 🍊 man & the Retrumplicans. Vote 💙 🇺🇸 ⚖
tRUMP didn’t “go off the rails,” he lives there! The man just spews whatever phony excuses come into his head (notice I didn’t say brain!). It is so scary how many lemmings have chosen to follow him!
Trump is a bunch of BS!!!
Rantings of an idiot
Trump does not THINK his followers are stupid….
They ARE.
I'm so freaking sick of him.
NIXON- was a president that became a crook..
TRUMP- is crook that became a president.
Only a fool would vote for Donald Trump
All I see is poor, gullible sycophants standing behind Trump nodding like zombies. Very sad.😢 Vote BLUE💙🇺🇸
who was the victim in the Trump "overvalueing is assets case" why did the bank accept it even though they did there due dillegent? answer me this and I will belive this Brian Tyler Cohen. And I hate that youtube recommend this peace of fake youtuber when I write "trump speech" on the search bar what I scam, shame on you guys, shame
He thinks his supporters are morons ? he might be totally right.
Can anybody find the string on his back and Stop pulling it ?
Lying Fuchs
Donald Dump! Change that dirty diaper cause You Stink! Stink Stink you broke Joke!
Trump believes that his followers are stupid? They are stupid!
He snaps because he's desperate!
Im hoping a lot of new law will come out of all this to prevent another criminal getting as far as he has.
Jailtime for Trump ❤
I get and back up all my news from Brian . Thank you BT
And is it possible to give your analysis without showing a clip of him .. he sickens me
He is always off the rails that’s his baseline
😅😅😅 people who take this Trump joker seriously are truly delusional and except a standard lower than ever known in the political spectrum of U.S. history
Trump is like a rat trapped in a huge cage, forever looking for a place to hide and hopping all this will some day go away, he's running out of choice and the cage is closing in 😭
PT Barnum was an optimist.