A minimum of 5 rockets have been introduced from Iraq’s the city of Zummar in opposition to the USA army bottom in northeastern Syria. Consistent with …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Please help UN peace keepers as well from Syria.
america Don't own the PLANET
WHY are there US military BASES in syria is the main question.
Why is there so much conflict in the world when we can come together and be a family.. we all have the same grandparents😴 Greed and hate has taken over many souls 💯
Be prepared US, advice better leave.
Biden is doing poop
Not on American news thanks.
Please make sure Urdu subtitles for Indian viewers.
our evil USA is over there again trying to STEAL something else. 😅😅😅😅
magically every time Israel is in some kind of conflict in the middle east a US base gets fired upon giving them a reason to shoot at something. complete BS.
If Trump was in office these events won't happen.
Why are they still there there not wanted by the Syrian government and the people again violating the sovereignty of another country with impunity.
As long as the power remains with china, Russia, north Korea, Iran and USA their is no peace in the world, all of those country are the source of conflict in this world, they are all grid to own absolute power causing conflict,division and misunderstanding.
Why is the US Occupying Northeast Syria again? To steal their Oil and Wheat whilst the country population are starving.
What goes around comes around.
America has a weak president.
What is the US army doing in Syria when the Syrian people don’t want them their’’ thieving others resources under the guise of protecting them’ look toward the oilfields and you find the answer
Yankee go home
I pray for u.s military troops safety 🙏 and i support world 🌍 peace
We know something like this did ago come up in order to get US in the war. We don't believe.
U.S. F.o.a.d.
Failed drone strike.
They poking the bear just sayin. We all know whos gonna. Be crying at the end ask jamaz
Why only oil field USA can occupy in Syria
US Looting oiL and other resources in the MiddLe East.
I love the fear in her voice, that’s the fear of God
The US administration, lran does not like you in the middle east,, lran form the terrorist group
US go home 😡😡😡
how many more time will you upload same news?
Islamic state group that US helped fuel rise of and arm? Remember in Syria 1 group funded by Pentagon was fighting another group funded by C I A and US backed these groups to regime change Assad. ISIS is like a repeat or US backing and arming Taliban and fueling rise of Al-Qaeda. History repeats itself and American people don't learn as they allow their government to use them in foreign/needless wars for profit and US hegemony.
Ola Hu Uber delivery.
Syria was more stable when it was under the control of the Roman Empire.