An novice photographer in Oregon captured an extraordinary Blue Rock Thrush, a hen local to Europe and Asia, which hasn’t ever been …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
Birdflu in coming 😷
I swear i seen one Florida.
how do we know the photo wasnt made with AI? lol
never been documented in the US , well yea she dosent even go here lol
I don't think that small bird has the stamina to fly across the entire pacific ocean to get to Oregon from Asia. This bird could of been part of an illegal pet trade and it escaped it's captors
Isn’t this bad? Sure it’s a beautiful bird but if it has the potential to become an invasive species that’s bad.
I saw a very bright blue bird like this in Texas this year. Never seen it before. I think this bird is starting to populate the US!
Imagine how many people see rare things but never know lol
I know we shouldn't but lets bring him some friends so he isnt alone
ooh how beautiful
Or a pet, that got away. The bird is round, could be a well fed bird by the owner
He should never given the location out to the public. Now poachers paid by rich people want one to own them. Just like many rare species, they'll go extinct soon because of humans.
Well the borders are already open for chinese flooding in, so come on over
6 Months later the bird was seen in Racoon city, it is believed to have been carrying the T-virus. All access to the city has been blocked off, residents are being told to shelter in place. Communications with Racoon city officials ceased at 3 am eastern time, no word is yet confirmed on the rapidly deteriorating conditions within the city limits.
(I be bored)
Bird is like where am I ??
It’s the twitter bird that Elon fired!
Chinese spy bird
Hey has anyone seen my pet chinese warbler or whatever?
Probably got stuck in the hold of a ship, then flew out.
I’ve seen this bird before
Smart Bird, he took advantage of the all you can Eat Cruise Crossing the Atlantic!
Have we told forest
Hey that's my pet bird! I set it free a couple weeks ago.
Maybe they should tell people what birds are rare. I feel like I’ve seen that bird all over Washington state
That's not good. When birds come from outside their zone it means bad weather is about to hit the area they come from.
Blud was outside
That’s one cute looking bird.
Fake news
It’s good to see good news about the animal world instead of horrible news for once
Hopefully it can survive here
Someone exotic pet bird got out or got released.
Ive seen these recently in Pennsylvania. Very beautiful bird
Maybe it evolved from a money after the giant explosion?😅😂😂
It’s illegal. It needs to be deported immediately
Even the animals are coming from other countries.😂😂