Republic of India’s common election starts on Friday this generation. Maximum predictions recommend High Minister Narendra Modi will win any other …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
The collecive west has 3 shameful skeletons in their cultural cupboard- slavery, racism/holocaust and colonialism.
This makes them walk on eggshells whenever these 3 subjects come up.
Indians have none of this baggage.
The young Indians studying abroad should be careful not to assume this borrowed guilt, (including received English and posh accents) in an attempt to become 'me too brown sahibs' (and sahibas). Learn from everybody, but hold your head up high because you are from Bharath. Have some pride in your heritage. Jai Hind.
Pay your taxes first bloody propagandists😂😂
Vote for Congress leader because modi. Uneducated modi save democracy sc st OBC from Modi
File your tax returns BBC.😂😂
BBC-Modi is Divisive😂😂😂…yes he will still rule our country for upcoming 10-15 years🔥🔥🔥
Modi is the best
because modi was a tea seller and india loves illiteracy 😂
HE WON huge vote you idiot telling he is dictator?
BBC is anti india,, they want to see Bharat weak! BBC should wake up and stop harrass India — BBC should inf of britians problem
Modi is the most preferred leader in India
Millions of racist nationalists, monkey worshipers have turned India into a sh..t hole. Pathetic country.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's wave has now subsided. There is no wave in their flow. In the last 10 years, Modi has created many scandals and problems in India like inflation, unemployment, poverty, farmers not getting fair price for their goods, oppression of women, tribal atrocities, corruption. Modi has been making speeches that have divided the Hindu Muslim community by omitting parts of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's old speeches.
BBC: What makes India's Modi so popular?
🇮🇳: His work and work ethic speaks for itself
He is popular coz he is a evil dictator
BBC 😂💩
Modi ji ❤️🚩
BBC try to do everything to get PM out everytime there's negative reporting…Cry harder BBC bjp will win again
Millions of nationalists, monkey worshipers have turned India into a sh..t hole. Pathetic country.
Upper caste who have dominance over resources are the victims of the modern slavery propogated by ruling party
Modi allows the women rapes.they should stop the aid help to india
Why are so many Indians obese and ugly?
Cult-of-personality, propaganda, and gullibility of many Indians. That's what makes Modi popular with so many. That, and an inculcated sense of persecution by thin-skinned Hindus who laughably claim that they're somehow under 'threat' in a nation where they are an 80% majority.
Meanwhile over in China…..the 21st Century!
Western powers never want Modi to come to power. PM Modi has changed India. He is a development oriented person. BBC will always speak against him. Even those Muslims who are educated love him.
UK time is gone. Now wait and watch the decline of EU and rise of India & Africa. Karma takes care of everything.😂
I am sure bbc is surviving in the name Of MODI😂
What happened to the result of BBC raid in their Mumbai office, by the Gov't Chamchas of Modi? No court indictment? I knew it. 🤣
3:09 – [that the war was paused by Modi] – a claim that was rejected by India's foreign ministry. BUT it doesn't matter to "Andha-Bhakthas" ! They'll continue to keep telling the lies, just like his leader. 🤣
Because of Modi picture I saw bbc for first time. But I hate bbc. I love Modiji.
Well Modi DID stopped the war and Putin / Zelensky did oblige to get Indian students out of warzone…thats JUST A FACT…theres abosloutely no CLAIM in that…thats what happenned and this is not not because of some BJP source but international media soucre which are generally anti india like Al Jazeera, NYT, WaPo etc.
He’s a racist and a fascist. Stupid people love that stuff.
Dictatorship in India is rising…..
Fool Indians never will be superpower…poor Indian voters…
Jai sri ram 🕉., BBC must pay proper taxes in india. BBC must have some ethics respect towards other countries. After looting 200 years still continuing the old skill. But stop this non sense 😂 and pay taxes.
Modi and the BJP's repeated victories epitomize true democracy, earned through the trust of the people. Their impending return to power is a testament to the electorate's will. To those who question democratic outcomes. Jai BJP Jai Bharath.
You did not ask the real questions that should be asked to the Prime Minister, Modi is a Prime Minister who has never called a single press conference in the history of the country, while all our neighboring countries are rushing towards development, India is sinking into extreme poverty, unemployment, GDP of the country, is decreasing day by day, trying to divide people in the name of religion etc., education to get votes. It says communalism in some parts of India which is not there, he had a lot of questions to ask you but a good percentage of the media in India are slaves to Modi even during elections the international media is not allowed to enter India this is a time when an uneducated prime minister has shown how to expertly destroy a country for the first time in the history of India It is going on, but this parliamentary election, let us hope that the people who love India will answer him, and let us forget caste and race and work for the country, and pray that the country may remain forever, like a multi-colored flower in a garden.
US and Western countries also China don't like Modi ji come back to power 😂
False reporting. Temporary ceasefire was indeed created for evacuation at the frontlines after talking with russia and ukraine. The details are already there.
BBC really has fallen low.
Well he did pause the war and created temporary no conflict zones for students to escape. What's controversial about that? Its been reported many times.
He is doing what weak UK leaders since Blair cannot do which is stand up for our country and keep our traditions strong 💪 and stop the scourge of Islam ☪️ I say to our Indian friends don’t believe the BBC they don’t speak for UK 🇬🇧 people
These mfs Britishers interfere so much
British MPs are fighting like a clowns for PM post but BBC is asking Indian citizen to whom to vote 😂😂😂
London is going to be londanisthan within few years but BBC is more concerned about Modi's popularity. 😂😂😂
If majority of Indians want Hindu nation and we electing Modi for 3rd term then what's wrong with that???
BBC remember one thing,more you do fake propaganda about Modi then more he will become popular in India😂😂😂
BBC is hijacked by leftists and Islamic jihadis 😂😂😂
You can't expect some positive coverage about India from these radical journalists 😂😂
BBC crying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Cry indian liberals cry.
Modi is the best PM India has ever seen. This BBC narrative is wrong as usual BBC propaganda narrative showing a twisted perspective. Why don’t you BBC show what Modi has achieved which is uplifting the lives of 1.4 billion Indian people.Jai Shri Ram
Modi is the inspiration to the world to be NATIONALIST to thier countries. Protact your faith, history,culture, identity and people from so called secularism.we all know what is happening in secular countries,they all are on target… 🪷🙏🇮🇳
Your reporting has factual error. The External affairs minister himself acknowledged role of the Government and Mr.Modi during evacuation of students from Ukraine. In fact, many students of other nationalities used Indian flag to escape.