Andy Constan, Damped Spring, joins ‘Rapid Cash’ to talk about all of the main indices being ill greater than 1% nearest the new CPI …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
I discussed 2 weeks ago about the inflation problems before cpi data came out even
I stil dont get the media on this story. The FED said EXACTLY what he wants to see for MONTHS and MONTHS. For rates to continue to get cut he needs inflation to keep going down, he needs CPI to keep going down, he needs unemployment to go up (10% max). He has said this and said this and said this and etc. How are you muppets confused lol. I Feel like im losing an argument to the wife right now.
Do we have to wait for cpi announcements, some people think stock market crash just started. SPY , IVV hitting the scene so far. These ETF’s doing just fine. Despite fluctuations in capital market ,certain amount of ETF’s do well.
Joe continues to tank the economy. Thanks democrats.
Trump 2024. Save us.
Stocks extended their year-to-date rally following the CPI report, with the S&P 500 last up 0.8% in afternoon trading. but I don't know if stocks will quickly rebound, continue to pull back or move sideways for a few weeks, or if conditions will rapidly deteriorate.I am under pressure to grow my reserve of $250k.
Higher rates 😂 they will crush the economy with that. Its high for longer fortunately, thats it….
It’s good to have an expert on the show. But it’s old money advice. Try and understand the true mechanisms that move the world. (Hint: study Bitcoin)
it means joe-sixpack shoulda already dumped his hard assets in gold n silver at his local precious metals dealer. and bought stock index leaders on these dips
Stock Market Crash has just started
Hes wrong
I don't know why people wait for cpi announcements, it's just the price of oil
I don't understand why commodities feel the need to go up constantly. You people are strange. So much momentum based thinking. So now we gotta do this in waves. Up down up down up down. Since you all can't help yourselves from snowballing into momentum.
I guess we can't avoid 10% drawdown in equities and 500,000 layoffs. Just get the 10yr above 5%. Like October. Things will fall really fast.
what is cpi?
The Inflation Tiger is Showing its Stripes no Matter how hard you pull on its Tail ! Rate Adjustments to the Down Side are Running Very Late Timing is Critical Miss the Mark Lapses Sets in Deconfiguration runs Playing Catch-up Creates Volatility ! Tough Call !.
I say to myself Martin did he say a whole lot of not of nothing. They should have not paused in the first place. People are using debt to pay bills buy things price is not object because not using own enough money to feel pain. Some of these companies living on debt why get people like this asking for cuts with flim flam arguments
This align with US new invented economic concept & policy – overcapacity. Cheap & good quality products are not good to economy. Expensive products works better 😂😂😂
It is very clear from a historical standard ( 5% 10 year note and 5% unemployment) that with unemployment at 3.7% and the 10 year at 4 ish %, we are very far from restrictive. We need Fed Funds at 6% and unemployment at 6% to just start the ball rolling…
Bidenomics can be expensive …..!!!