A eyewitness stated the week a person was once driven from a balcony in Toronto startled her out of her mattress; a spike in assaults and …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
very sad
I can't stand crv, especially these two news reporter–) no compassion on the stories….🤢 ctv
What, more new cars to be stolen from Ontario & hawked overseas! You better stop the thefts FIRST. Is anyone in gov't thinking clearly??
Whats his color. Obviously why they dont say
Diversity is our strength right…..
Electric vehicles is a complete waste of time & money ,it will never successfully happen in Canada, we dont have the power grid to support them ,& they don't even work 7 months of the year when its to cold ,u might get away with an electric vehicle if u live in a city like Toronto or Vancouver, anywhere else ,forget about it
Well…an apartment opened up..
Junkies up to junkie shit in a junkie neighborhood. I swear that whole area is worse than when I lived there in the 2000s.
Strange reporting in Canada. "The car" caused the accident. The man "fell" to his death. No one is ever responsible and criminals get away with their crimes in Canada. So out of control it's time we consider the death penalty again maybe. Broken country.
He's a white suspect which explained why his race was never mentioned nor a photo of him was shown 😮
Imagine how useless Toronto police is, that they say everything about the suspect except the race. How tf we gonna know what he looks like???
Penalty for this criminal is the same as the fate the victim received
EV cars are a money losing venture. People are not buying EVs.
Wht I don't want to live in a condo
Justin looks so evil, we should give him an award for being a greatest liar.
TTC has 40 years old ongoing issues. Meanwhile the salaries ballooned and that top heavy org suffers from the lack of competition.
Ontario Parliament speaker shouldn’t be picking his ear. Disgusting 🤮
“Genocided” lol, the new speak.
Where's Mike tyson
Usual suspects…
So it's a black guy…
Separation of church and state is pretty clear. Any item with a misplaced emotion is a mental illness ,adn the minority and tonalism and fmeinims poltics ot remove people actaully worthy of leadership ina causcus has been removed injustly. Why is this human even speaking… the hosue is of no honor or virtue and is of no peace… Its absolutely absurd the use of monetary poltics and exploits… Thus the Government has probably the lowest rating in teh world, we cna follw othe transition form the hudnred years nad educaiton to the decay of the system. SO education is openly a cost only deriitive as other peopel block all means ot earn the mark as a requirement unless you act beahve or join in a dogmatic madness… absolute lawless brigade, adn since most oare withotu merit of objective reality to what goes on they have operated in a bsence of good faith to a citizen.
Is the man white asking for a friend?
If u know his street name than why is the description so vague?
great jobs working inside a factory like a robot? lmfao no thank you, creating low life economy
This clown took the bag to say what he first said cause Steven A Shit works for the plantation owners and rides their horses and he has no shame 8n whipping the black communities to please a plantation owners. I've trolled this clown for taking shit about my Toronto Raptors. And the fact he has such a big mouth I know exactly who he's not. Where I come from they say…empty barrel makes the most noise. And this mf is 10 effing empty barrels..
He didn’t fall dummies🤣He pissed off the wrong individuals and most likely was thrown over the railing ‼️
Male 30-40 years old 5,8 to 5,9 tall wearing a black hooded jacket !!!!!
Thats a great discription right there , should be able to spot said suspect anywhere in the GTO. Oh and a street name of Justice !
You mean Kangaroo court and hush hush money that was or wasn't paid back in 20 something that has now been blown out of proportion from something that happened in 2016 like give me a fking break and move on with your stupid lives, it's just another way to screw Trump out of the presidency for 2024. Just another jackoff Kangaroo Court of BS.
We need stand your ground laws and to not be prosecuted for self defence
Waste of time!!! To call animal help places as they do nothing!!!!! I have tried to receive a wellness check on a couple of rotating pitbulls that are being brought to a certain adress around 6 different dogs n dropped off to be watched but a few times i saw them i was told dont try to be nice to them no patting of anykind !!! As these dogs are to be n remain vicious!!!!! I could not belive my ears but yes as of today these individuals from a certain area send there 6 pitbulls to family that enforce there wishes to make these innocent souls the pitbulls FULLY VICIOUS!!!!! I CALLED HUMANE SOCIETY NO RETURNED CALL N THESE POOR DOGS CONTINUE TO SUFFER 😢😢😢😢
Jobs are great but Car companies need to invest in better technology and security of their cars. Then they get the incentives. I'm tired of our tax dollars funding corporations and not holding them accountable.
Maybe next year eh Leafs?
been saying that since the '60s.
What a joke.
Stop going to the games, and things will definitely turn around on a dime.
It is just all about money & profits.
I won't be buying Hondas made in Canada at the Alliston plant.
And I think most people won't be buying/ or being bullied into buying.
But each to his own. It is your debt and money after all.
Governments are buying a few jobs/ and selling our souls to a foreign company to make vehicles we don't want.
Whats new eh?
Welcome to the new Canada… just like all the Democrat run Blue States, we are doomed due to Liberal Policies as they protect criminals and makes law abiding Canadians victims as we are not allowed to defend ourselves.
"Fly like an Angel"
Factory Jobs? I thought Libs/progessive types want us to move away from that type of work.
Just spending money not contributing
Wasre more money nobody wants electric vehicles
That is horriable about where those companies are to be open. They should be opened in morw then one place. Jobs for others would be nice also….not cool *Justin *
Toronto's a 💩hole.
Trudeau’s new Canada is t it wonderful. Scumbag
My husband buys a buspass when we can't afford to keep a vehicle on the road. There are always busses, cabs, Uber, etc. A vehicle us a luxury NOT a necessary
We had the same thing happen in thunder bay, a man fell off a balcony, a witness said he was pushed and the police decided it was an accident. Barely made the papers, it was reported as a man found injured and died in hospital, nothing about falling off the balcony. When i actually emailed the reporter he gave me a bunch of bologna about peoples privacy. The man that died was my brother in law.
When i told people i know about it they were shocked because they heard nothing about it even though they lived less than a 5 min drive from where it happened.
Import the third world, become the third world. As planned by UN/WEF agenda 2030.