Educator and creator Scott Galloway joins Morning Joe to talk about his fresh retain ‘The Algebra of Wealth: A Easy Method for …
Mumbai Weather Today | Mumbai Witnesses First Rain Of Season, Accompanied By Massive Dust Storm
Mumbai witnessed the primary rains of the season, accompanied by means of a immense duststorm which became the sky unlit...
I cant wait for everything said here to be forgotten and ignored for the umpteenth time by this network and the hosts of other networks.
He's doing every thing that he says is a problem.
Biggest hypocrite. Still hoarding a high paying job and talking about welfare of kids. So are all his friends.
I'm so happy Mr Galloway is getting media attention to spread his message.
Little is said about the third generation defect. Gen X's blue collar salaries and house prices vs gen Z's. Their wants, haves and not haves
Yeah maybe the older generation could just stop living off their children? The biggest problem is that they don't know that their own wealth is why their children are suffering. They think that life is easy because it was easy for them, and they don't understand they are standing on their children's throats. 401k reform, offshoring, and LBOs sold out most of the infrastructure built by the greatest generation, and until they actually figure out where their house value is coming from (their own desperate children) nothing will change.
Let's be honest… it's going to take a crash and it's going to be a big one.
America and Democracy are coming to an end, this is the fall of Rome and Greece all over again. Failed….
the funniest thing i always found, the government demands we all pay taxes…yet they never once teach us how..13 years of school, thousands of things ive never used since i learned them and they couldnt teach me how to file my taxes?
There are more and more young people on YouTube talking about having 2 or 3 degrees (including masters and PHD) all this college debt, and only getting offered positions in their field for $30,000 a year or less, or getting stuck working retail because there are no jobs available in their field.
And then, those same people see OnlyFan models with barely a GED bragging about making over $50,000 a month.
Get angry, get organized.
Government and corporations need to fear the people they represent and supply service to.
Talk more slowly, please. You're not clearly communicating your very thoughtful points.
welcome to socialism
Theyre censoring comments on this video
You can be qualified, more than qualified, dot every I and cross every T, but recruiters and companies still tell you no after you read between the lines of your resume. I can do the job, so put me on the job. I don't need to dance and sing to prove it.
This is a result of a winner takes all capitalism run a mock
Free market capitalism – those with capitals win, they can of course change the rule of the game on their favour. Who has the capitals? Upper class / elders. Quite simple really
For anyone complaining in the comments about your job and salary, don't worry AI will replace you soon.
College tuition doesnt follow normality of economics. Information is now more widely free and available than ever in history. Yet it cost more and more. Seems legit
This guy is full of it.
My mom learned to type in the 80s and landed a good paying union job starting at 3x minimum wage. LEARNED TO TYPE. Now people with college degrees apply to 100s of job openings offering slightly above Walmart pay and still don't hear anything back, not to mention starting at or making a livable wage…that's the stuff of rarer and rarer fairy tales. Can we go back to the days before Regan re-legalized stock buybacks and Citizens United decided that "companies are people"?
This is where SOME careful regulation will actually help prevent the groundwork for a socialist revolution
It didn't happen in one generation. The birth rates have been going down for quite some time.
The US red guard will quote him if and when they are unleased by the woke on boomers in the streets.
You've got my vote!
Ooh, I'll need the Popular VOTE, please. 🙏
I don't care about the app
Nice to see someone from the older generation who gets it!